Friday 10 December 2010


One thing I forgot to do today, or to be precise I haven’t forgotten but could be bothered waiting for the economics personnel to come back from her lunch and therefore failed to pay the school fees for December. I pay on Monday, if she is around and hope the school doesn’t bankrupt till then because of our missing payment (which may sound like a joke but…

It feels this week we are picking up a habit of tidying up before bed time, I’m spicing it with classical music, today’s was Mozart. Lili is learning to like it.

Tired now, again we had an early morning. Ernest wakes up and then he is pretty upset to be awake but it doesn’t occur to him that this curse can be healed rather simply. After dropping off Lili at school we took off to take care of some more business at the post office, 2 queues, one for the parcels and letters the other one is for paying bills, if you do both, you wait twice. Loving it.

Ernest slept while we went back to the dermatologists where a different receptionist wondered why did her colleague sent me on a grail quest. She told me I already given them all the data they need. Goodbye.

The flat people were out at the market today, I took some pictures. Chatted with some vendors and had a langos; deep fried flat bread, extremely nutritious and healthy snack for lunch. Ernest likes langos too baut at home he had some other food as well.

After picking up Lili from school we met Jen at the university library It seems we both had books to return. After coffee at home I left on yet another quest to find clay and wood glue. There is no clay in Szeged although Jen claims there is just around the corner so tomorrow she will take usthere. I found wood glue in the glue shop as there is one of those.

Dinner was bland but we started hungry so it didn’t matter. Lakc of sleep takes its tolls

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