Saturday 15 January 2011

January 15th

Our plan for lunch yesterday was using the leftover meat from dinner the night before, making some mayonnaise-mustard sandwiches. Already that night this plan was ruined.
Ernest is out of sync a bit with our regular meal times. we finished dinner, tidied away and all four of us were about to sit down on the sofa engaging in our now regular family spot watching an episode of river cottage.

While waiting on Lili, Ernest came in munching on a bit of meat. Jen wondered where it may came from and in response he gave a ‘follow me I show you’ look. I did follow and discovered the plastic tub on the edge of the table. Picked it up to find a lid and put it in the fridge but Ernest grabbed my trousers and gently led me back to the room. He finished the whole lunch plan.

Today with the kids I went down to the zoo. It was so much fun!!!! Well. The weather was colder than anticipated, Lili wanted to explore the European animals parts which was a bit boring. The snow has melted long ago and now everything is brown and gray. The exact shading of the animals looked at. Ernest was beside himself when he actually managed to notice one.

Some giant eagle was sitting in the corner showing his back while near to as just at the cage-wall there was some half a dozen dead chicks. Lili said they were cute letting us know with some unbelievably cheese tone. I must think she is well educated and not used to seeing dead chicks. As a female of her age she knows that anything soft and fluffy, especially baby animals like chicks supposed to melt her heart but obviously didn’t think that once they become dead lying on the ground with twisted legs and bits perhaps they shall awoke a different emotional reaction in us.

Later on we walked by again there when eagle was eating lunch. It was really cute!

We had ours at the wolves’ place. They were hungry so close as they could come they sat down and watched us having our sandwiches.

Yesterday I the whole lot us made it to the spa. After so many months here finally we realized that the spa water here doesn’t make my skin, and Ernest’s skin peal off. So we shall become a more less regular feature. And I am sure that the completely regular ones will really enjoy it too.

Jen has decided to abandon exam season and write her bachelor thesis instead. It turns out that for some of these exams she would have to pretty much memorise a couple of dozens of articles, write a page essay of each and every one of them before the exam, memorize those essays because on the exam she would have to recite 3 of them. She wouldn’t be expected to present an understandning of what is written in those articles, how she links it to her existing knowledge, other fields, exp, etc and what may be her own analytical thoughts and comments are. It’s rather better to do some meaningful work than in Oulu she can do some other meaningful work for credits. Unless by the time we go back the wonderful effects of uni reforms in finland has begun crafting a similar system!

As for myself… hm, academic procrastination on a new hight. I actually will do some academic work in order to avoid doing some academic work! I accidently applied then got invited to attend an online course organized by tampere uni., Smashing, Though the introduction speech was... be diplomatic... looking for the right word... hm, lacked motivating aspects.

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